NAked & Guest Posts

We love to have guest authors on our blog! If you'd like to be featured as a guest, please drop us a line at  and include GUEST POST as the subject. While we can't accommodate every request, we will certainly try. Be sure to tell us whether you'd like to do a post on your own topic or if you'd like to participate in a NAked with post, a regular feature on our blog. For NAked with posts, please answer the five questions found below in your email. You may also include a picture of you and/or your cover. GIVEAWAYS ARE ACCEPTED AND ENCOURAGED FOR BOTH GUEST POSTS AND QUICKIES.

NAked with Interview Questions:
  1. Who are you and what should we know about you in 50 words or less?
  2. Which one: chocolate or bacon?
  3. What is the name of your book and what is it about in 50 words or less?
  4. Tell us your main character's name and 3 adjectives that describe him/her. (If you have multiple main characters, do this for each).
  5. Who is your current book boyfriend?

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